Concord Girls Softball League
2023 6U Rules
The Concord Girls Softball League’s 6U division is a training process for the players to develop fundamental skills with the maximum enjoyment for the youngster.
Innings |
6 |
Bases |
50 ft |
Stealing |
None |
Ball Size |
10 inch |
Pitching |
Coach Pitch – 15 feet. Can use Tee up until July 1st |
Age Cut off |
Age as of January 1st, 2022 |
Umpires |
Not carded, Paid |
Division Coordinator |
Jordan Testerman
Coaches Objectives
1. Ensure all team players have the most fun possible.
2. Teach each player the correct way to hold and swing a bat. Emphasis should be placed on not throwing the bat after hitting the ball.
3. Teach each player the correct method of running the bases.
4. The correct method of throwing a softball.
5. The correct method of fielding a ground ball.
6. Teach all players infield rules.
7. Teach players to make all tags below the shoulders.
8. Teach each player to cheer their teammates.
1. Eligible players will be 6 years of age or under on or before January 1, of that playing year. Eligible Players must not be older than 6 years old by January 1 of that playing year.
2. No player can be added to a team after the first game of the year without the consent of the commissioner or 6U director.
3. The 6U Division Coordinator or a league board member of the Concord Softball League will assign all players to a team.
Field Set Up and Rules
1. In the case of inclement weather:
2. Bases are set at 50 feet.
3. Home team will supply the game ball.
4. Home team will use the dugout on the first base side.
5. BOTH teams are responsible for cleaning up the field after the game.
The Game
To be considered a finished game, it must go the full amount of innings OR at 65 minutes after the official start of the game, the current inning will be finished and the game ended. A new inning starts immediately after the 3rd out of the prior inning. Umpires have final decision for weather and darkness conditions.
An inning will be complete when three outs occur or 7 runs are scored.
During the regular season if the game is tied after it is considered a finished game (refer to finished game definition above), the game is declared over and a tie. Only during the tournament will a tied game be extended to determine a winner.
A team must have a minimum of six players on the field in order to constitute an official game. Less than six will result in a forfeit.
1. Coaches will position players in the field. A maximum of 6 players will be in the infield at one time, including the rover. The rover must be within 5 feet of 2ndbase. 2 coaches may accompany the defensive team on the field, but they must remain out of the way of play. These coaches should be positioned in the outfield.
2. All players not in the infield must be placed in the outfield. This means no girl should be sitting on the bench while the team is in the field unless injured or ill.
3. Each player must have 1 inning in the infield. Exception to the rule for safety reasons and must be agreed upon by commissioner and the parent. Infield positions include 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Shortstop, Pitcher’s helper, and Rover.
4. If a coach is hit, catches, or otherwise touches the ball, the ball is dead and will be replayed.
5. The batting team will have coaches at first and third base. The coach pitching can help position the batter.
6. The batting team must have a continuous batting order. The youth that is out of order is called out and will not bat until her turn comes up again. Note: This is a learning experience and not a punishment for the youth.
7. Injury or Illness: If a player is injured or becomes ill during a game she may sit out without penalty, should her place in the batting order come up, she will be skipped. Both scorekeepers must be notified of a skipped batsman.
8. Coaches may only pitch underhand to their team during the game. Please observe a minimum of 15 feet pitching distance.
9. If a batter throws the bat, they will be given one warning and will be called out after that.
Note: This is a learning/safety experience only and not intended to punish the youth.
10. All fielders must be lined up no closer to home than 5 feet in front of the base or baseline. Once the ball is hit into fair territory, all balls are live and playable.
This line up rule is for the safety of the infielders only.
11. A base runner may only run one base at a time in this division.
12. Plays at home plate are permitted.
13. The infield fly rule does not apply.
14. The base runner is out when:
15. If two players end up on the same base and no force is in effect, the second runner to the base may be tagged out. If the play ends and no tag has been made, the second runner is sent back to the previous base.
16. No run will be scored when the third out is a forced play.
17. Scorekeeping during all games will be kept. Team’s standings and reporting to the Division Coordinator is necessary.
18. Seeding for final league tournament will be based on regular season records.